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  Beaver Creek Christian Church : A nondenominational fellowship of believers in Ashe County, West Jefferson, NC

News & Events: BCCC: What is Happening?

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Join Us For Fun, Fellowship, Food, and Bible Study!

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Updated 02-16-2025


YOUTH OUTING TO BO’S - We are going to Lenoir to go to BO’S Entertainment Center. We will be leaving after immediately after church with the kids to go bowling, play miniature golf, laser tag, video games and more. We will have some sandwiches and chips on the way down. We should be back by 5pm (before supper). The church is paying for admission for the children. Children should bring some money for any extra refreshments.


OASIS BIBLE STUDY - Need a spiritual drink of water to help you through the week? Oasis is now meeting each Thursday at 1:00pm. This new day and time will hopefully open it up to more folks coming and joining us. Please use the enclosed insert to invite others to come and join us in this Bible Study. We will be having a fellowship meal on the last Thursday of each month at 12:00noon. This month will be on February 27. We will have bean soup and cornbread. Bring a side dish or dessert.


BCX CHILDREN - The children will be meeting in room #101 for the Sunday School Hour at 10am. During Worship, The children will be dismissed for Children’s Worship around 11:30am. There will be songs, scripture, and activities. This week’s lesson is Noah's Ark - Part 1 (Genesis 5:28-6:22).


CHRISTIAN MINISTRY TEAM MEETING - We will be meeting in the fellowship hall to discuss VBS on Sunday, February 16, 2025 after church. Sandwiches will be provided.


FOCUS MEN’S FELLOWSHIP - Our next Men’s Fellowship Meeting will be on March 15, 2025 at 8:30am in the fellowship hall. Please feel free to bring a friend. Men of all ages are invited.



-Church Picnic will be September 21 from 2-6pm at Ashe Park.

-VBS will be June 21st.

-Our Birthday and Anniversary Celebration will be held April 6 and October 5.

We will strive to put out a new monthly calendar of events each month and distribute them on the last Sunday so you will have the events for the following month.


READING THROUGH THE BIBLE 2025 DAILY BIBLE READING - Again this year we will be reading through the entire Bible. However, instead of each having individual plans the reading will be on the church calendar and the weekly reading will be in the bulletin insert. We hope you will all choose to read through the Bible with us together.


JOIN US FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL: Join us each Sunday for Sunday School at 10am. We have two adult classes. One meets in the auditorium and rotates between our four teachers: Loren Lung, David Grubb, Tommy Parson, and Mike Grubb. We also have an alternative adult class in room 201 for those who like discussion format. The children meet in the Fellowship Hall for BCCC EXPRESS. Sunday School starts at 10:00am in the sanctuary.


TITHES AND OFFERINGS: Your support is always appreciated. If you are not able to contribute you on Sunday, you are encouraged to send your tithes and offerings to Pat Grubb at 789 Northridge Dr., Boone, NC 28607. If you have any questions about giving please contact Mike or Pat Grubb by email: pmgnmwg@bellsouth.net


PHONE TREE: The policy for the phone tree is to activate it for prayer request only upon permission or request of the family and to provide updates as the family provides them. We cannot pass on to you information we do not have or that we have not received permission to share. The administration of the phone tree is through Loren Lung or Amanda Thompson.


COMMUNION TO THE SHUT-INS: If you would like communion brought to your house please let us know and one of our men when come and serve communion to you along with prayer and a scripture reading.

Posted Nov 16, 16 by Preacher Under Events Permalink 1479310454